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1.       Which of the following statements accurately reflects the status of England, its people, and its language in the early sixteenth century? Intending his Utopia for an international intellectual community, Thomas More wrote in Latin, since English had no prestige outside of England.

2.       Which of the following sixteenth-century works of English literature was translated into the English language after its first publication in Latin? Thomas More's Utopia

3.       Which royal dynasty was established in the resolution of the so-called War of the Roses and continued through the reign of Elizabeth I? Tudor

4.       Which of the following events probably most contributed to the unification of the political rivalry between the houses of York and Lancaster? the marriage of Owen Tudor to Catherine of Valois, widow of the Lancasterian King Henry V

5.       Which of the following statements about Tudor England explains the airing of important public issues indirectly through "entertainments," such as lyrics? There was virtually no freedom of speech& there was a relatively limited means of mass communication.

6.       Who authored Il Cortigiano (The Courtier), a book that was highly influential in the English court, providing subtle guidance for behavior? Castiglione

7.       Which of the following best describes Castiglione's term sprezzatura? the art of concealment

8.       Who wrote the notorious book, Il Principe (The Prince)? Machiavelli

9.       What is the apt title of John Skelton's poem about court life? "Dread"

10.    Which of the following sixteenth-century poets was not a courtier? George Puttenham

11.    Which of the following statements is not an accurate reflection of education during the English Renaissance? Its curriculum emphasized ancient Greek, the language of diplomacy, professions, and higher learning.

12.    What impulse probably accounts for the rise of distinguished translations of works, such as Homer's lliad and Odyssey, into English during the sixteenth century? human reverence for the classics & pride for the vernacular language

13.    What was the predominant religion in England during the early sixteenth century? Catholicism

14.    Who began to ignite the embers of dissent against the Catholic church in November 1517 in a movement that came to be known as the Reformation? Martin Luther

15.    Which historical figure initiated a series of religious persecutions condemning Protestants as heretics and burning them at the stake in the 1550s? Queen Mary

16.    Which of the following refers to the part of Ireland, extending north from Dublin, over which the English government could claim effective control? the Pale

17.    Which designates the theory that the reigning monarch possesses absolute authority as God's deputy? royal absolutism

18.    Expressed in Elizabethan poetry as well as court rituals and events, a cult of _______ formed around Elizabeth and dictated the nature of relations between herself and her court.  love

19.    Which of the following best describes the systems by which writers received financial remuneration/rewards for their literary production? patronage

20.    By what name did Elizabethans refer to the rhetorical "schemes" used in all forms of literature? figures

21.    In the Defense of Poesy, what did Sidney attribute to poetry? a moral power whereby poetry takes on a didactic role/a moral power whereby poetry encourages the reader to emulate virtuous models

22.    Which of the following might be addressed/represented by pastoral poetry? shepherd and shepherdesses who fall in love and engage in singing contests & a celebration of the humility, contentment, and simplicity of living in the country

23.    Which of the following could be found in heroic poetry? the glorification of a nation or people, exotic adventures and marvels, an imitation of Homer and Virgil in structure and motifs & a concern with love as well as war

24.    Which would provide a reasonable answer to what the "mystery" refers to in "mystery plays"? They were performed by the guilds of many crafts, called "mysteries." & They represented the mysteries of the faith.

25.    Short plays called ______-dialogues of religious, moral, and political themes-were performed by companies before the construction of public theaters. interludes

26.    To what subgenre did the Senecan influence give rise, as evidenced in the first English tragedy Gorboduc, or Ferrex and Porrex? revenge tragedy

27.    Which of the following were kinds of comedies written for the Elizabeth theater? tragic-comedy, humor comedy, city comedy

28.    Which of the following is true about public theaters in Elizabethan England? They relied on admission charges, an innovation of the period; early versions were oval in shape; They were located outside the city limits of London; The seating structure was tiered, with placement correlating to ticket cost.

29.    Which of the following shifts began in the reign of Henry VII and continued under his Tudor successors? the countering of feudal power structures by a stronger central authority

30.    From which of the following Italian texts might Tudor courtiers have learned the art of intrigue and the keys to gaining and keeping power? Machiavelli's "The Prince"

31.    Who authored Il Cortigiano (The Courtier), a book that was highly influential in the English court, providing subtle guidance on self-display? Castiglione

32.    Between 1520 and 1550, the population of London: doubled from 60,000 to 120,000.

33.    Who introduced the art of printing into England? William Caxton

34.    To what does the phrase "the stigma of print" refer? the perception among court poets that printed verses were less exclusive

35.    Which historical figure initiated a series of religious persecutions condemning Protestants as heretics and burning them at the stake in the 1550s? Mary Tudor

36.    Who among the following was not a university graduate? Robert Greene

37.    The churchyard of St. Paul's Cathedral was well-known for its: bookshops.

38.    Who owned the rights to a theatrical script? the acting company

39.    What is blank verse? unrhymed iambic pentameter

40.    Which was not an objection raised against the public theaters in the Elizabethan period? They charged too much.

41.    Who succeeded Elizabeth I on the throne of England? James I