17th C Quiz 1

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17th Century Quiz

  1. Who succeeded Elizabeth I in 1603, establishing the Stuart dynasty? James VI of Scotland
  2. What event caused the postponement of public celebrations of the coronation of James I? the plague
  3. What were the four bodily humours? choler, blood, black bile & phlegm
  4. James I liked to imagine himself as a modern version of which ruler? Augustus Caesar
  5. James I shaped culture by publishing works on which of the following subjects? tobacco, royal absolutism, witchcraft
  6. Which of the following activities was characteristic of the court of James I? selling peerages and noble titles, hunting, late-night feasting & hard drinking
  7. Which of the following colonial ventures took place in the reign of James I (1603-25)? the founding of the Jamestown settlement, the founding of the Plymouth colony, Henry Hudson's fruitless search for the Northwest Passage, & the establishment of England's first foothold in India by the East India Company
  8. Which writer was not active under both Elizabeth I and James I? John Milton, (were active Shakespeare, Bacon, Donne, Jonson)
  9. What was the intended target of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605? the Houses of Parliament
  10. Which of the following statements does reflect the situation of Catholics during the early seventeenth century? Catholics were fined for recusancy, failing to take the sacrament in the Established Church, Catholics were barred from taking degrees in universities, Catholic priests were executed in grisly manners, such as disembowelment, Catholics included members of some of the oldest noble houses.
  11. Which of the following were major concerns of the Puritans? to eliminate the "popish" elements of the liturgy, to make preaching and reading the Bible, rather than sacraments, the center of religious practice, to bring the English church closer to the Presbyterian church in Geneva, to advocate social and moral reform through laws governing recreation and drunkenness.  They really didn’t care about encouraging moral contemplation by installing religious images in public areas.
  12. Which of the following was not a cause associated with militant Protestant reformers (Puritans, Presbyterians, and separatists)? the wider use of religious images in churches (were causes: the pursuit of a more confrontational policy towards Catholic powers, the elimination of bishops, the right of congregations to choose their own leaders & to eliminate the "popish" elements of the worship)
  13. The idea that God predestines human beings to be saved or damned is associated with which Protestant reformer? John Calvin
  14. The Thirty-Year' War in Europe erupted after a dispute over what territory? Bohemia
  15. What historical figure promoted the rapid growth of a high Anglican faction within the church whose ceremony, ritual, and doctrine more closely resembled Roman Catholicism? William Laud
  16.  What is the customary ending to a court masque? the unmasking of the masquers
  17. Which two noble families were especially prominent as patrons to poets, such as Ben Jonson and Aemilia Lanyer? the Russels and the Cliffords
  18. Which of the following kinds of writing was not actively promoted by the church? dedicatory poems to noble patrons (these were: sermons, controversial tracts, such as Donne's Pseudo-Martyr against the Roman Catholics, treatises of devotion, meditation, and instruction, cases on conscience that work out difficult moral issues in complex situations)
  19. Who, in The Art of Prophecying, advocated "the plainer, the better" in relation to sermons? Williams Perkins
  20. Which of the following plays was not authored by Shakespeare? Volpone (was Othello, The Tempest, King Lear, Twelfth Night, Antony and Cleopatra)
  21. What characterizes a "metaphysical conceit," a strategy characteristic of John Donne's poetry? the linking of images from very different ranges of experience
  22. What major new prose genre emerged in the Jacobean era? the familiar essay
  23. Which of the following female authors of the Jacobean era wrote a work that became the "first" of its kind to be published by an English woman? Lady Mary Wroth, Elizabeth Cary, Lady Falkland, Aemilia Lanyer, Rachel Speght
  24. Which of the following was not an expressed objective of the "Long Parliament" when it convened in 1640? mounting a revolution and executing the king  (could have been: securing Parliament's rights in the face of the king's absolutism, remaining in session until they themselves agreed to disband, bringing to trial the king's hated ministers, Strafford and Laud, abolishing extra-legal taxes and courts)
  25. News of what event that had taken place in Ireland reached London in 1641? an uprising and massacre of English and Scottish Protestants
  26. Charles I was beheaded on 27 January 1649, accused of being all except which of the following? Puritan, He was considered an public enemy, traitor, tyrant and murderer
  27. Who served as Protector under England's first written constitution? Oliver Cromwell
  28. From what country did William of Orange, to whom the English throne transferred after James II, come? Holland
  29. What was one of the first acts of Parliament after 1642, during the First Civil War? the abolishment of public sports and stage plays
  30. Which of the following themes or subjects was not common in the works of Cavalier poets, such as Thomas Carew, Sir John Denham, Edmund Walter, Sir John Suckling, James Shirely, Richard Lovelace, and Robert Herrick? pious devotion to religious virtues
  31. Which was among the ew" genres promoted by poets such as Jonson, Donne, and Herbert? the classical satire, the country-house poem, the epigram & the verse epistle
  32. What was the general subject of the Welsh poet Katherine Philips's work? celebrations of female friendship in Platonic terms normally reserved for male friendships
  33. What was the tile of Thomas Hobbes's analysis and defense of absolute and indivisible sovereignty based on social contract? Leviathan
  34. John Gauden's royalist treatise, Eikon Basilike, which portrayed the kind in Christlike terms and went through forty editions in London and twenty-five more in Ireland and abroad, was purportedly written by whom? Charles I
  35. What is the title of James Harrington's work, addressed to Oliver Cromwell, about a republican utopia? The Commonwealth of Oceana
  36. Who authored the scholarly biography, Life of Donne? Izaak Walton
  37. What is the title to Milton's blank-verse epic that assimilates and critiques the epic tradition? Paradise Lost
  38. Which poet was a member of the powerful and culturally influential Sidney family? Mary Wroth
  39. What was the licensing system? All books had to be submitted for official approval before publication.
  40. Which poem testifies to the profound doubts and uncertainties attending Donne's conversion from Catholicism to Protestantism? "Satire 3"
  41. Which religious radical advocated the civic toleration of all religions, including Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam? Roger Williams
  42. Which group of radicals got their name from their penchant for rambling prophecy? the Ranters
  43. Restored to the throne in 1660, Charles II ruled: with deference to Parliament's legislative supremacy.
  44. What is the delicate balancing act of Marvell's "Horatian Ode"? celebrating Cromwell's victories whilst inviting sympathy for the executed king
  45. Which of the following did Milton advocate in print in the 1640s and 1650s? the right to divorce on the grounds of incompatibility, the free circulation of ideas without prior censorship, the right of the people to dismiss and even execute their rulers, the disestablishment of the church and the removal of bishops. He did not support the restoration of the monarchy.